
Balancing Parenthood - Education Mutual Interactive Webinar


Środa, 23 kwietnia 2025


11:00 Europe/London

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Plan wydarzenia

Provided by Education Mutual and facilitated by Nadia Ismail, our 'Balancing Parenthood' interactive webinar is an an opportunity for new mothers and fathers to discuss all things relating to the parenting and the challenges faced, specific to working within an educational setting.  Nadia will provide some practical advice and support and these monthly interactive sessions aim to provide continued support for new parents through the exciting changes ahead for new parents!   

This workshop is 1 hour long 


  • On submitting your registration form you will receive an email which will include a link to access the webinar, please check your junk folder should this email not have been received into your inbox
  • Please note that if you register on the day of the event, you may not be sent a link to join the event
  • Please ensure that you review our Webinar FAQs prior to joining the meeting. We are unable to assist with individual technical problems prior to, or during the webinar.

Nadia Ismail

Nadia is a Self Development & Career Coach, she has experience of working with HR managers at various stages of their careers. From those just starting their journey to supporting leadership teams. With a background in the Health & Fitness industry, Nadia is a firm believer in the value that employee wellbeing can provide concerning workplace performance and fulfilment. Through her experience, Nadia is aware of the challenges that employers face and therefore believes that building a resilient team is fundamental to both organisation and individual performance.