
Dealing with Grief - Finding strength after loss


el Martes, 10 de Junio 2025


15:30 Europe/London

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Agenda del evento

Education Mutual providing a FREE interactive webinar hosted by experienced bereavement counsellor and therapist, Melanie Hall. 

Practical advice and support on how to cope with (and support others) bereavement and grief.   Gain an understanding of the emotional impact, the grieving process and help with positive thoughts on moving forward in the future.  


Sra Melanie Hall

An experienced accredited BACP (The British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy) registered therapist passionate about helping individuals overcome the barriers that stop you from living life to the full.

Melanie has experience of working with with school staff and employers providing counselling and psychotherapy around a wide range of issues. She supports workplaces and individuals around personal and professional development, having more than 15 years of experience in leadership and management roles. She provides support and guidance to a number of menopause support groups and employers.