
Voice Care


Среда, 23 Апреля 2025

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Программа мероприятия

Educators rely on a healthy voice more than most on a daily basis.  This interactive webinar provided by Education Mutual and hosted by Marcia Ash will help delegates understand the effects of strain on their voice.  We will explore practical and natural solutions and resources to help care for your voice.   

This new session focuses on the importance of your voice as one of the most valuable assets when working in the education sector. It offers techniques and self-care habits to ensure your voice remains strong and reliable throughout your career.


This session covers:
  • Warm-up techniques
  • Avoiding vocal strain
  • Vocal rest and recovery


  • You will receive a link to join the webinar one day prior to the event.
  • Please note that if you register on the day of the event, you may not be sent a link to join the event
  • Please ensure that you review our Webinar FAQs prior to joining the meeting. We are unable to assist with individual technical problems prior to, or during the webinar.